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Emtech to advance its regtech and CBDC stack solutions with $4M led by Matrix Partners India on August 3, 2023 at 8:08 am



Emtech, an African provider of central banking infrastructure, introduced its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Innovation kit last month. The kit caters to fintechs and financial service providers interested in experimenting with solutions and business models based on digital currencies pioneered by central banks.

The New York-based business is today announcing a $4 million seed investment led by Matrix Partners India. It plans to further the development of this CBDC stack and that of its regtech solution. BTN, Vested, Equity Alliance and LoftyInc Capital are some of the other investors in the round. They join Emtech’s previous investors, including Noemis Ventures, Octerra Capital and 500 Global on its cap table. This round brings the four-year-old’s total investment to $10 million (including a $4 million pre-seed last year and a recent $2 million extension).

The CBDC Innovation Kit’s unveiling in July comes as no surprise. Last March, founder Carmelle Cadet said Emtech would deploy its first version of a CBDC platform this year. Emtech’s digital regulatory platform previously included the innovator’s center, which assists fintechs in preparing and testing requirements for numerous regulators and pre-market technological integration. The regulatory sandbox enables regulatory bodies to respond to innovations based on live testing results.


The four-year-old startup had hoped to work with at least 10 central banks by now. However, it is currently working with six. It has presently developed regtech and CBDC stack solutions for the Central Banks of Ghana, Nigeria and the Bahamas. That’s in addition to collaborating with fintechs in other countries to provide crucial regulatory and innovation insights.

“We’re the only company globally working with that many central banks at a time,” CEO Cardet told TechCrunch in a recent interview, stressing that Emtech had to open up its seed round, which took a year to complete, to follow through on the partnerships with these banks. “Like other companies, fundraising wasn’t easy because of the downturn and the FTX and Terra Luna saga. We had to manage our cash flow and resources and grow our footprint across the region while delivering for the central banks, especially now that we’re on a journey of digitizing cash infrastructure for them.”

Performance of local digital currency

Emtech also signed a collaboration deal with the West Africa Monetary Institute this June. In addition to establishing a joint central bank, the institute’s long-term objective is creating a single currency for the area. What more effective way to achieve the latter than through CBDCs? Central banks globally have been exploring and producing digital versions of their currencies for retail and wholesale use. This is to avoid leaving digital payments to the private sector as cash usage drops. With $10 trillion cash in circulation, the percentage of banks engaged in CBDC climbed from 80% to 93% in 2022. Also, according to a BIS survey, 24 central banks will have digital currencies in circulation by the decade’s end.

Nigeria is one of just a few countries having an operational digital retail currency: the eNaira as it’s known. Yet, it’s had an abysmal acceptance despite the central bank’s incentives to make it appealing to its Nigerians. Earlier this year, the country’s cash scarcity — an ill-conceived government initiative to push for a paperless economy — demonstrated how much citizens disliked the eNaira. Per Bloomberg, less than 0.5% of Nigerians have utilized the eNaira since its inception two years ago.

The event showed that most Nigerians preferred waiting hours for cash rather than using digital money. However, Cadet feels that the eNaira’s implosion should not overshadow the relevance and benefits of CBDCs in general. “Although the eNaira was launched to major fanfare, there were missteps in planning, technology, and implementation. Most importantly, the architecture was not open to fintechs,” she stated. “What we’ve had the opportunity to do is present an alternative that is fintech-friendly. We think the fintech ecosystem has many untapped opportunities regarding CBDC.”

Deployment of the innovation kit

That’s where its newly released innovation kit comes in, she says. Emtech’s regulatory sandbox promotes relationships between central banks and fintechs regarding licensing required to go to market. Similarly, the CBDC innovation kit will provide these fintechs access to a digital cash infrastructure that banks may imitate.


Emtech’s simulated token “Beyond Cash (BYDC)” will be utilized for innovation initiatives, leveraging the Hedera Hashgraph as a layer 1 protocol and the ERC-20 (standard for tokenization). The CBDC Innovation Kit functions as a simulator accessible through APIs and a “bring your app” framework. Here, fintechs gain access to a CBDC simulator wallet BYDC and extract data from the ledger to test transactions and new business models. Emtech believes this route will close the gap observed in the current system between fintech innovation and central banking oversight.

“Our point of view has been consistent: enabling central banks to deploy their CBDC as a digital cash infrastructure safely. Imagine if the $13 trillion or more of paper cash floating worldwide was issued digitally, used and accounted for securely, in real-time and seamlessly. Imagine what fintech apps could do for their users. That’s truly exciting to us,” said the CEO, a former IBM blockchain executive, in a statement. Emtech has about 200 fintech companies on its waitlist, ready to work on the platform.

Digital assets and programmable currency in the form of regulated CBDCs, according to Aakash Kumar, principal at Matrix Partners India, may turbocharge financial inclusion in Africa. “Emtech’s vision of shaping blockchain-powered fintech infra for CBDCs and solutions for fintech regulation is compelling, and we are excited to partner with them on their journey,” he said on the firm’s investment in Emtech.

​ Emtech, an African provider of central banking infrastructure, introduced its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Innovation kit last month. The kit caters to fintechs and financial service providers interested in experimenting with solutions and business models based on digital currencies pioneered by central banks. The New York-based business is today announcing a $4 million seed 


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Humans Need Not Apply: The AI Candidate Promising to Disrupt Democracy



The rise of AI Steve, the artificial intelligence candidate running for a seat in the UK Parliament, has sparked a heated debate about the role of AI in governance and the potential disruption it could bring to traditional democratic processes.

Steven Endacott, the human force behind AI Steve, envisions his AI co-pilot as a conduit for direct democracy, enabling constituents to engage with the AI, share concerns, and shape its policy platform through a voting system of “validators.” Endacott has pledged to vote in Parliament according to the AI’s constituent-driven platform, even if it conflicts with his personal views.

Proponents argue that AI Steve can revolutionize politics by bringing more voices into the process and ensuring that policies truly reflect the will of the people. They claim that an AI candidate can engage in up to 10,000 conversations simultaneously, allowing for unprecedented levels of public participation and input.


However, critics raise valid concerns about transparency, accountability, and the potential for AI systems to be manipulated or influenced by their creators, data limitations, or external actors. There are also questions about whether an AI can fully grasp the nuances and human elements involved in complex political issues.

Some argue that AI Steve is merely a clever marketing ploy to garner attention and votes, rather than a genuine effort to “humanize” politics. There are fears that the use of AI in elections could undermine faith in electoral outcomes and democratic processes if voters become aware of potential scams or manipulation.


Beyond the specific case of AI Steve, the rise of AI candidates and the increasing use of AI in political campaigns and elections raise broader questions about the integrity of democratic systems and the need for effective regulations and guidelines.

Anti-democratic actors and authoritarian regimes may seek to exploit AI technologies for censorship, surveillance, and suppressing dissent under the guise of enhancing governance. There are also concerns about the potential for an “AI arms race” between political parties to develop and deploy the most sophisticated AI technologies, further eroding public trust.


As AI tools become more advanced and accessible, upholding electoral integrity will require proactive efforts to establish guardrails, transparency measures, and accountability frameworks around their use in politics. Policymakers, advocates, and citizens must work together to ensure that AI is leveraged as a force for a better and more inclusive democracy, rather than a tool for manipulation or consolidation of power.

The rise of AI candidates like AI Steve serves as a wake-up call for democratic societies to grapple with the implications of artificial intelligence in governance and to strike the right balance between harnessing its potential benefits and mitigating its risks to the democratic process.

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Saudi Arabia Says ‘Thank You, Next’ to the US Dollar



Saudi Arabia is reportedly considering abandoning the US dollar for oil trade settlements, a move that could shake the foundations of the global financial system. For decades, the petrodollar system has propped up the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency, with Saudi Arabia insisting on dollar payments for its vast oil exports.

However, recent comments from Saudi officials hint at exploring alternatives to the dollar amid growing tensions with the US over various geopolitical issues and the rise of economic powerhouses like China.

Implications of a Petrodollar Shift

If Saudi Arabia abandons the petrodollar, the implications could be significant:


1. Dollar Dominance Eroded: The dollar’s reserve currency status could weaken, potentially leading to a decline in its value.
2. Global Financial Instability: A sudden shift could trigger volatility in global markets as investors adjust portfolios.
3. Geopolitical Realignment: The move could signal Saudi alignment with China and challenge US economic hegemony.

Challenges and Uncertainties

While the prospect is significant, challenges remain:

1. Finding a suitable alternative currency with the dollar’s liquidity and stability.
2. Potential economic disruption for Saudi Arabia and trading partners.
3. Political backlash and strained relations with the US and allies.


As the world watches, it remains uncertain whether Saudi Arabia’s comments signal a negotiating tactic or a profound shift in the global financial order.


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X Opens the Door to Adult Content With New Policy



X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has made a significant policy shift by officially permitting adult content on its platform with some restrictions and guidelines.

In an update to its rules, X stated that users can now share “consensually produced and distributed adult nudity or sexual behavior” as long as it is properly labeled and not prominently displayed in areas like profile pictures or header images.

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“We recognize that many of our users are adults who want to freely express themselves by sharing legal adult content,” said an X spokesperson. “At the same time, we have a responsibility to protect minors and prevent exposure to explicit material without proper labeling.”

Under the new guidelines, users who “regularly post” adult content must adjust their settings to automatically mark images and videos as sensitive content, which blurs or hides the media by default. By default, users under 18 or who haven’t entered their birth date cannot view this sensitive adult content.


The policy prohibits content “promoting exploitation, nonconsent, objectification, sexualization or harm to minors, and obscene behaviors.” It applies to all adult content, whether photographic, animated, or AI-generated.

X has stated that it will monitor user-generated content and adjust account settings for those who fail to properly mark pornographic posts. Similar rules and enforcement will apply to violent content as well.

The move aligns X with Apple’s app store guidelines, which allow apps with adult content as long as it is hidden by default and behind proper age gates and content warnings.

While adult content was already present on X, this policy update officially permits and regulates it, aiming to balance freedom of expression for consenting adults with protecting minors from exposure to explicit material.


However, enforcing these rules consistently may prove challenging for X’s reduced content moderation teams following recent layoffs and cost-cutting measures.

The policy shift has drawn mixed reactions, with some praising X for embracing adult expression while others raise concerns about the potential for the platform to become inundated with pornographic content despite the restrictions.

As X navigates this new territory, the effectiveness of its labeling requirements, age verification measures, and content moderation efforts will be closely watched by users, regulators, and advocacy groups alike.

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