Veteran actor Khalil Kain, known for his roles in “Juice” and “Girlfriends,” has joined the cast of the upcoming psychological thriller “She Wants My Life.” Kain...
In the gripping psychological thriller “She Wants My Life,” Krista Kalmus delivers a chilling performance as Veronica, a charming and enigmatic tutor with a dark obsession....
Actress and entrepreneur Vanessa Simmons is eagerly anticipating the release of her latest project, the psychological thriller “She Wants My Life.” In this gripping film, Simmons...
Sunday, October 6th, 2024 | 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm EDT | Detroit Institute of Art Be a part of an unforgettable evening of inspiration, empowerment,...
We’re thrilled to spotlight Joelle Marie Velez and Peter Anthony Castillo’s latest film, “Sock It To Me,” a finalist for both the Best Horror Comedy Film...
Get ready for the Houston Comedy Film Festival (HCFF), where filmmakers, actors, and comedy enthusiasts unite for a sidesplitting experience like no other! This year’s event...
James Earl Jones, the legendary actor renowned for his powerful voice and iconic roles, has passed away at the age of 93. His representative, Barry McPherson,...
She Wants My Life: A Chilling Tale of Obsession and Deceit “She Wants My Life” is an upcoming psychological thriller by athlete-turned-filmmaker Shannon Washington. In this...
Jeremy Sumrall’s latest project, “Another Night at Beaver’s,” has been making waves in the film festival circuit. The screenplay was recently selected as an award...
Press Release Daniel Couts: A Brief Overview Daniel Couts is a dynamic artist whose talents bridge the worlds of music, film, and beyond. Growing up in...
We’re thrilled to introduce Youssef Mutawe, an emerging filmmaker who is making waves in the film industry! His latest project, “A Bit Much,” has earned him...
We’re thrilled to introduce Kevin Sengara and Aman Pannu, amazing screenwriters who are making waves in the industry! Their latest project, “Cinching Saddles,” has earned them...
We’re thrilled to introduce Ylia Trotter, an amazing screenwriter from New Zealand who is making waves in the industry! His latest project, “Hitch Hiking is Safe,”...
A series of events took place to mark the establishment of a new nation, Cherut. These events brought together various individuals and groups, including leaders, advocates,...
We’re thrilled to introduce Hannah Rose Vernot, an amazing screenwriter who is making waves in the industry! Her latest project, “Stocktonian Exchange – Kill Your Spirits,”...
We’re thrilled to introduce Emily Hyde, an exciting filmmaker and director who is making waves in the industry! Her latest project, “Summer’s Holes,” has earned her...
We’re thrilled to introduce Cormac Bluestone, an amazing producer-director-editor-composer who is making waves in the industry! His latest project, “The Curve,” has earned them a spot...
In just 51 days, the city of Atlanta will play host to a prestigious event celebrating the achievements of outstanding leaders of African descent. The Pan...
We’re thrilled to introduce Dan Bricker and Eytan Millstone, amazing filmmakers who are making waves in the industry! Their latest project, “Steps,” has earned them a...
We’re thrilled to introduce Gregory Bonds, an amazing screenwriter who is making waves in the film industry! His latest project, “MIC CHECK; KARAOKE LOVE,” has earned...
We’re thrilled to introduce Dianne Blomberg and Joseph Carabello, amazing screenwriters who are making waves in the industry! Their latest project, “Happy Landing,” has earned them...
We’re thrilled to introduce Sammy Anzer, a talented screenwriter and comedian who’s making waves in the industry! His latest project, “Mutt,” has earned him a spot...