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Jenelle Evans: Answers to All of Your Questions About Teen Mom’s Most Controversial … on July 31, 2023 at 8:06 pm The Hollywood Gossip



Jenelle Evans is not only the most controversial star in the Teen Mom universe, she’s one of the most scandalous figures in the history of reality television.

You might love her (which is rare), or you may hate her (which is very common!), but if you know anything at all about Jenelle’s life, then you almost certainly have a strong opinion about her.

Her tendency to attract drama and create chaos may not have made her an ideal mother, daughter, friend, or wife, but it made her one hell of a reality star!


Of course, MTV eventually decided they’d had too much of a “good” thing, and Jenelle was fired from Teen Mom 2 in 2019.

This is a screen capture from a video Jenelle Evans uploaded to her Instagram page in March of 2022. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

In the years since, Jenelle has launched several failed businesses, and she’s continued to make headlines with her outrageous behavior and tumultuous personal life.

In fact, she’s had so many ups and downs that even her diehard fans and most dedicated haters might have trouble keeping track.


So without further ado, let’s explore some …

Jenelle Evans is front and center here, speaking to her followers about her health concerns. (Phoro Credit: Instagram)

Answers to the Most Common Questions About Jenelle Evans!

We’ll begin with the most important question of all.

And it’s one that people who have never watched an episode of Teen Mom probably google every time a new Jenelle scandal makes headlines.


Who Is Jenelle Evans?

Jenelle Evans claims she’s chronically ill with a number of different conditions. However, many of her fans believe she’s lying. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

A native of Oak Island, North Carolina, Jenelle first came to the public’s attention on the controversial MTV reality show 16 and Pregnant.

In her late teens, Evans found herself unexpectedly expecting, a turning point that would launch her into reality TV stardom and kick off a tumultuous period in her life that continues to this day.

Much of that drama, of course, was documented by MTV camera crews.


Jenelle Evans looks very down in the dumps in this photo. We hope she’s doing okay. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Shortly after her son was born, Jenelle surrendered custody to her mother.

Unfortunately, the move did little to create greater stability for little Jace, as Jenelle went on to remain a constant and chaotic presence in his life.

Oh, and Barbara Evans is almost as crazy as her daughter.


Jenelle Evans is with her mom, Barbara and her son, Jace, in this photo. They form an unusual nuclear family. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

In 2010, Jenelle became a household name when she joined the cast of MTV’s Teen Mom 2.

To her credit, Jenelle has occasionally been candid about her personal struggles, including her battles with substance abuse and mental health issues.

Unfortunately, that candor has been overshadowed by her tendencies toward bigotry, bullying, violence, and drug and alcohol abuse.


Why, hello there, Jenelle Evans! This is an extreme close-up of the former Teen Mom star. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

And for every instance in which Jenelle has been praised for telling the truth about her tumultuous personal life, there are several in which she was caught misleading the public.

And Evans seems to lie indiscriminately.

She knowingly makes inaccurate statements about matters both trivial and consequential.


Jenelle also has a habit of partnering with toxic men and enabling their worst impulses, a pattern that’s created a rather unstable environment for her children.

Jenelle and David always seem to be in the midst of a rough patch. (Photo Credit: TikTok)

In 2019, that tendency temporarily cost Jenelle custody of her children, after a CPS investigation concluded that she and husband David Eason had created an unsafe household.

We’ll get into Jenelle’s many, many brushes with the law later, but for now, suffice it to say that the woman has crammed a lot of drama into her relatively young life.


How Old Is Jenelle Evans?

Jenelle Evans gives a smug smirk here — you know the one. (Photo Credit: MTV)

Jenelle Evans was born on December 19, 1991, which makes her 31 years old.

The years have certainly been eventful, but that’s not necessarily a good thing.

In fact, Jenelle has made so many bad decisions that we wouldn’t think it possible were it not for the fact that MTV cameras were on hand to document many of the most shocking developments in her life.


Jenelle Evans stares intensely into the camera in this photo of the former Teen Mom star. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

How Many Times Has Jenelle Evans Been Arrested?

Jenelle Evans has been arrested at least 15 times.

Evans was first arrested in 2010, just a few months after her television debut.

She and then-boyfriend Kieffer Delp broke into a neighbor’s home, and police found drugs and paraphernalia when they apprehended the Wal-Mart brand Bonnie and Clyde.


Jenelle Evans sits down here for a video and addresses her fans. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

In March of 2011, Jenelle suspected that her friend Brittany Truett had been flirting with Kieffer, and in true Jenelle fashion, she brutally assaulted the girl.

The incident was captured by Teen Mom cameras, and Evans was arrested after the footage made its way to the DA’s office.

In the decade that followed, Evans would be taken into custody many more times — for threatening former roommates, driving without a license, violating her probation by failing drug tests and, of course, multiple charges of assault.


Again, if weren’t for the footage — and the rap sheet — it would be hard to believe that anyone who’s not the head of an international drug cartel could possibly run afoul of the law so frequently.

Jenelle Evans gets up close and personal with her TikTok fans in this still image of the ex-reality star. (Photo Credit: TikTok)

How Many Times Has Jenelle Evans Been Married?

Though she’s been engaged at least four times, Jenelle Evans has only been married twice.

In 2012, she accepted a proposal from Gary Head after just a few months of dating, but the couple never made it to the altar.


Before the year was out, however, Jenelle exchanged vows with a man named Courtland Rogers.

Jenelle Evans is wearing a hat in this photo. She seems to think it looks very good on her. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

The following year, Evans announced that she was expecting Rogers’ baby.

But a few months later, she revealed that she’d had an abortion, and she and Courtland had gone their separate ways.


Flash-forward to June of 2013, and Jenelle would find herself engaged once again, this time to a very troubled man named Nathan Griffith.

Nathan Griffith does many Instagram Live videos talking about politics, and here’s a screenshot from one of those. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

After mutual assault allegations, multiple incidents involving the police, and one disturbing the peace arrest for Jenelle, the couple went their separate ways in 2015 — but not before welcoming a son, Kaiser, together.

In the wake of Jenelle’s tumultuous years with Nathan — and the messy custody battle that followed — fans hoped that her life would begin to stabilize.


Little did they know the worst was yet to come.

David Eason is all dressed up in this photo. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Is Jenelle Evans Still Married to David Eason?

Jenelle Evans met David Eason on Tinder in 2015. They moved in together almost immediately, and within the next 18 months, they would have a daughter together and tie the knot, in that order.

Though they’ve broken up many times over the years, Jenelle and David are currently married.


It would be impossible to summarize all of the bizarre drama that’s gone on within this marriage, so we’ll jump straight to the lowlights:

Jenelle and David are still married … but are they happy? (Photo Credit: Instagram)

In 2018, Jenelle called 911 and alleged that David had assaulted her and broken her collarbone.

She later dismissed the incident as a “drunk misunderstanding.”


The following year, Eason beat, shot, and killed Jenelle’s French bulldog, Nugget.

The incident led to a CPS investigation, and it was determined that Jenelle and David were incapable of providing a stable environment for their children.

Strange things are happening in the fetid swamp that Jenelle Evans and David Eason call home. And it seems recent events have driven David to tears. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Jenelle lost custody of her two youngest kids (Jace was still under his grandmother’s care at that time), and they were placed with relatives.


Evans was also fired from Teen Mom 2 as a result of the incident, a move that cost her family their sole source of income.

How Many Children Does Jenelle Evans Have?

Jenelle Evans now has custody of her teenage son. Let’s hope this goes well for both of them! (Instagram)

Jenelle Evans has three children, by three different fathers.

Jace, 13, is the product of Evans’ short-lived teenage fling with a man named Andrew Lewis.


Kaiser, 9, is Nathan’s son, and David is the father of Jenelle’s 6-year-old daughter, Ensley.

Eason also has two children from previous relationships, but he’s legally prohibited from contacting his son.

His daughter, Maryssa, lives with David and Jenelle.

Jenelle Evans and David Evans have remained together through thick, thin, and abuse allegations. (Photo Credit: Instagram)


Does Jenelle Evans Have Custody of Her Children?

As of February of 2023, Jenelle Evans has custody of all three of her children for the very first time.

Amazingly, Evans was able to win back the youngest two not long after they were removed from her home in response to the dog incident.

And earlier this year, she won custody of Jace after a legal battle with her mother that’s been going on since the time of the boy’s birth.


Jenelle and Jace are living under the same roof for the first time ever! (Photo Credit: Instagram)

The court’s decision to award Jenelle custody of her kids is surprising for a number of reasons.

For one thing, during one of their recent separations, Jenelle filed for a restraining order against David and swore under oath that he’s abused her children, and that they’re all afraid of him.

But Jace wasn’t living with her at that time, so the judge in Jenelle’s case might have considered such testimony irrelevant.


Jenelle Evans visits a marijuana dispensary. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

What Does Jenelle Evans Do For a Living?

These days, Jenelle Evans supports her family by working as an OnlyFans model.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with sex work, of course, but it’s surprising that Evans chose this career route after years of mocking other women, such as Farrah Abraham, who have made money by producing adult content.

Of course, Jenelle has launched several failed businesses over the years, and she may have felt that there were no other career options available to her.


Whatever the case, the move seems to be working out from a financial standpoint.

Jenelle Evans turns around here and faces the camera. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

What Is Jenelle Evans’ Net Worth?

Jenelle Evans net worth is estimated at just $30,000.

However, that number might soon increase, as Evans claims that she’s raking in $40,000 a month from OnlyFans.


Of course, Evans has been the sole breadwinner in her house ever since David got fired from MTV for making homophobic comments back in 2019.

And the Easons haven’t exactly been living frugally.

Jenelle Evans fans have been pointing out that David Eason appears to be ruining her life. But Jenelle claims that despite all appearances to the contrary, she’s actually quite happy. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

In the past few months they bought a boat and took several vacations — without their kids, of course.


Some things never change — and one thing you can always bet on is that Jenelle and David will continue looking out only for themselves.

We hope these two will eventually settle down and sober up for the sake of their children.

But we wouldn’t put money on it.

Jenelle Evans: Answers to All of Your Questions About Teen Mom’s Most Controversial … was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.


Jenelle Evans is not only the most controversial star in the Teen Mom universe, she’s one of the most scandalous …
Jenelle Evans: Answers to All of Your Questions About Teen Mom’s Most Controversial … was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip. 

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Focus on Filmmaking, Leave Marketing to the Experts



As an independent filmmaker, your primary goal is to create compelling stories that captivate audiences. However, even the most brilliant films can go unnoticed without effective marketing. Let’s dive into why it’s crucial to focus on your craft and leave the marketing to the professionals, backed by some compelling data and statistics.

The Power of Professional PR

According to the Independent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA), films with professional PR support are 40% more likely to be selected for major film festivals. This statistic alone highlights the significant impact that expert publicity can have on your film’s success. Festival programmers receive thousands of submissions, and having a trusted publicist vouch for your film can make all the difference.


Moreover, IFTA reports that films with professional PR receive 50% more media coverage than those without. This increased visibility can lead to greater audience interest and higher ticket sales at festivals. Media coverage not only boosts your film’s profile but also enhances its credibility and appeal.



The Importance of Industry Connections


A study by the Film Festival Alliance found that 60% of festival programmers are more likely to consider a film if it comes recommended by a trusted publicist. Publicists have established relationships with key players in the industry, including festival programmers, critics, and journalists. These connections can open doors that would otherwise remain closed to independent filmmakers.

Strategic Media Outreach

Effective media outreach is a cornerstone of successful PR campaigns. Professional publicists know how to target the right media outlets and tailor their pitches to each one. According to the IFTA, films with professional PR support receive 50% more media coverage than those without. This increased visibility can lead to greater audience interest and higher ticket sales at festivals.




Navigating the Festival Circuit

Navigating the festival circuit can be daunting for independent filmmakers. Professional publicists have the experience and knowledge to guide filmmakers through the process, from submission to screening. They can advise on the best festivals to target and help manage the logistics of attending and promoting the film at these events.

Amplifying Social Media Presence


In today’s digital age, a strong social media presence is crucial for any film’s success. According to Hootsuite, 73% of marketers believe social media marketing has been “somewhat effective” or “very effective” for their business. For independent films, a well-executed social media strategy can translate into increased festival interest and audience turnout.

Leveraging Data Science for Viewer Insights

In the competitive world of filmmaking, understanding your audience is key. Companies that employ data scientists to analyze viewer behavior can provide filmmakers with a substantial advantage. These experts can uncover valuable insights about audience preferences, optimal release timing, and the most effective marketing channels for specific genres or demographics.

For example, Bolanle Media has a dedicated team of data scientists who specialize in decoding viewer behavior and trends. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, they can help predict audience reception, optimize trailer release schedules, and identify the most impactful social media strategies for your specific film.


The Bottom Line

As a filmmaker, your primary focus should be on creating exceptional content. The quality of your movie is the foundation upon which all marketing efforts are built. By entrusting the marketing aspects to seasoned professionals, you free yourself to concentrate on your craft. This division of labor not only allows you to create the best possible film but also ensures that your work is promoted with the same level of expertise and dedication that you’ve poured into its creation.

In conclusion, while the data clearly shows the importance of professional marketing support, it’s equally crucial that filmmakers remain focused on their primary task: making exceptional movies. By combining your artistic brilliance with the strategic expertise of marketing professionals and data scientists, you create a powerful synergy that can propel your film to new heights of success in the competitive world of independent cinema.

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How to Thrive in the Film Industry’s Economic Rollercoaster



The film industry has been on a wild economic ride in recent years, facing challenges and opportunities that have reshaped the landscape for creators and businesses alike. Let’s dive into the current state of the industry and explore strategies for thriving in this dynamic environment.

Box Office Rebound and Streaming Surge

While the film industry is showing signs of recovery, there’s still ground to cover. In 2023, the domestic box office gross was down $3 billion from its 2018 peak of $12 billion. However, this doesn’t tell the whole story. The rise of streaming has fundamentally altered viewing habits, with two-thirds of U.S. adults now preferring to watch films on streaming services.

Employment and Economic Impact


Despite the challenges, the film and television industry remains a significant economic driver. It supports 2.74 million jobs in the United States, paying out $242 billion in total wages annually. The industry comprises over 122,000 businesses, 92% of which employ fewer than 10 people, highlighting the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector.

Local Economic Boosts

Film production continues to provide substantial economic benefits to local communities. For instance:

  • A single day of on-location filming can inject up to $1.3 million into local economies.
  • Marvel’s “Black Panther” employed over 3,100 local workers in Georgia, who earned more than $26.5 million in wages.
  • In New York, Oscar-nominated films “The Post” and “The Greatest Showman” contributed over $108 million to the state’s economy.

International Markets and Challenges


The global market remains crucial for the film industry, with more than 70% of global box office sales coming from international markets. However, this reliance on international audiences comes with its own set of challenges. For example, the Chinese market, while lucrative, can be unpredictable. In 2023, the Chinese film “YOLO” earned $500 million, while “Dune: Part Two” made only $50 million due to similar release times.

Strategies for Success

1. With varying theatrical windows, from four months for “Oppenheimer” to less than two for “Mission: Impossible,” adaptability in distribution strategies is key.

2. Explore opportunities in both theatrical releases and streaming platforms to maximize audience reach and revenue potential.


3. Many regions offer tax incentives and other benefits for film production. For example, Westchester County generated $622.4 million in economic impact from film production in 2023 alone.

4. Initiatives like the Yonkers Film & Television Production Academy, opening in September 2024, aim to prepare the next generation of industry professionals.

5. Popular productions can boost local tourism. Showcase unique locations to attract both filmmakers and visitors.

In this ever-evolving landscape, data-driven decision-making is more crucial than ever. Our growing team of data scientists and marketers are poised to help industry professionals navigate these economic shifts. By leveraging advanced analytics and market insights, we can work together to identify emerging trends, optimize distribution strategies, and maximize return on investment. As your strategic partner, we’re committed to helping you not just survive, but thrive in the film industry’s economic rollercoaster. With Bolanle Media as an advertising partner, you’ll have access to cutting-edge tools and expertise to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions in this dynamic market.


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Unlock impactful advertising opportunities with Bolanle Media. Our expert team crafts immersive experiences that captivate audiences, driving brand engagement and memorability. Let’s elevate your brand’s marketing strategy together.

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How Advertisers Boost Indie Filmmaking



Independent filmmaking is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor, often marked by limited budgets and resources. However, partnering with advertisers can significantly boost the prospects of indie films, providing much-needed financial support and enhancing marketing efforts. Let’s explore how advertisers play a crucial role in the success of independent films, supported by relevant statistics and insights.

Financial Support and Budget Augmentation

One of the primary ways advertisers boost indie filmmaking is through financial support. Independent films typically operate on tight budgets. A study on independent film revenue highlighted the financial struggles faced by indie filmmakers, noting that many films struggle to break even or make a profit without additional funding sources. Advertisers can fill this gap by providing sponsorships, product placements, and other forms of financial backing, allowing filmmakers to enhance production quality and cover essential costs.

Enhanced Marketing and Distribution


Marketing is a critical component of a film’s success, and advertisers bring expertise and resources to the table. A comprehensive guide to marketing independent films emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted marketing strategy from the outset. Advertisers can leverage their marketing channels and expertise to promote indie films, ensuring they reach a wider audience. This includes creating captivating trailers, utilizing social media platforms, and engaging in influencer marketing.

Audience Engagement and Brand Integration

Advertisers can help indie filmmakers engage with their target audience more effectively. Cinema advertising has proven to be a highly effective medium, with studies showing that viewers are more positively disposed towards advertisements at the cinema. This positive disposition can translate into higher engagement and interest in the advertised indie films. Additionally, brand integration within films can create memorable and impactful experiences for viewers, enhancing their connection to the film.

Statistics Supporting the Impact of Advertising


1. The global cinema advertising market is projected to grow by 6.78% from 2024 to 2029, reaching a market volume of $4.90 billion by 2029. This growth indicates the increasing value and impact of cinema advertising on audiences.

2. Data from a survey of 104 independent films revealed that self-distributed films, often supported by targeted marketing efforts, were more likely to break even or make a profit compared to those released through traditional distribution companies.

3. Historical successes of indie films like “Pulp Fiction,” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” and “Everything, Everywhere All at Once” demonstrate the potential for indie films to achieve significant commercial success with the right marketing and distribution strategies.

Fun and Engaging Examples

  • Indie films can creatively integrate brands into their narratives, making product placements feel natural and enhancing the storytelling experience. For example, a character using a specific brand of coffee can subtly promote the product while adding authenticity to the scene.
  • Advertisers can create interactive promotions that engage audiences before and after the film. For instance, a brand could sponsor a contest where viewers submit their own short films inspired by the indie movie, fostering a community of engaged fans.

Advertisers play a vital role in boosting indie filmmaking by providing financial support, enhancing marketing efforts, and engaging audiences.

The partnership between filmmakers and advertisers creates a win-win scenario, where indie films gain the resources needed to succeed, and advertisers reach a captive and receptive audience. As the cinema advertising market continues to grow, the collaboration between indie filmmakers and advertisers will become increasingly important in shaping the future of independent cinema.

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Unlock impactful advertising opportunities with Bolanle Media. Our expert team crafts immersive experiences that captivate audiences, driving brand engagement and memorability. Let’s elevate your brand’s marketing strategy together.

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