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Surprisingly strong economy shifts political calculations on July 28, 2023 at 9:00 am Business News | The Hill



The U.S. economy is hitting a stride, growing at a 2.4-percent rate in the second quarter in a Strong Economy Alters Politics, a surprisingly strong showing that adds confidence to the idea that the nation may avoid a long-threatened recession.

The growing economy comes coupled with other good economic news: Inflation is slowing, and unemployment sits at just 3.6 percent.

Markets have noticed. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up more than 4 percent over the last month and more than six percent this year, despite dropping on Thursday.


It’s all good news for the White House and President Biden, who have used the recent string of positive economic announcements to tout their stewardship over the economy as they head into an election next year.

But it doesn’t mean the administration can breathe easy — over the economy or Biden’s political future.

Some economists think a recession is still possible, and Republicans, while more focused in recent weeks on probes into Hunter Biden’s legal difficulties, have not dropped their economic criticisms of the White House.

“It’s entertaining to watch the administration sit here and say, ‘oh everything’s great now,” Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) said Thursday.


“Yes, inflation has come down but the economy in no way is growing at the levels that it needs to be and we need to enact reasonable and responsible budget cuts going forward to right size our economy and get the country moving in the right direction,” added Lawler, who represents a swing district and is one of the more vulnerable House Republicans in next year’s election.

The White House rebuked GOP lawmakers, pointing remarks from to Fox Business Channel’s Cheryl Casone, who said on Thursday: “There goes that recession talk, right?”

“Even Fox Business is welcoming today’s blockbuster economic growth numbers, the latest in a long line of proof points that Bidenomics is delivering for middle class families,” spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a memo. “That’s because this strong growth report is objectively good news for the American people, which elected officials should support regardless of their political party.”

The resilience of the economy has been a surprise for a number of reasons.


Market commentators for most of Biden’s term have been worried about a recession, and as the Federal Reserve launched a series of interest rate hikes in response to rising inflation, the fear was that a downturn would be hard to avoid.

The Federal Reserve itself in March predicted a “mild recession,” before reversing its position on Wednesday after raising interest rates another quarter-percent.

“The staff now has a noticeable slowdown in growth starting later this year in the forecast, but given the resilience of the economy recently, they are no longer forecasting a recession,” Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday.

That resilience has taken several different forms but has been nowhere more noticeable than in the labor market. Unemployment has remained near historic lows even as the Fed has undertaken one of the fastest interest rate tightening cycles on record in response to prices that climbed as high as 9.1 percent annually last June.


Lower employment is usually associated with lower prices due to how much businesses have to pay workers and still turn a profit. But that relationship has been called into question during the recent inflation, as prices have been steadily falling since last June while unemployment has remained near record lows.

The unusual nature of the post-pandemic inflation, driven in part by massive consumer savings during the lockdown era and supply chain shutdowns, was likely the primary reason. Price fluctuations occurred in different sectors of the economy at different times, and companies raked in record profits, choosing to keep prices high.

In making the case for its handling of the economy, the Biden administration on Thursday pointed to investments it made when Democrats held majorities in Congress in 2021 and 2022. Those investments were mostly in the Inflation Reduction Act, a bipartisan transportation and infrastructure bill and a major semiconductor bill.

This has led to investments north of $190 billion as of May, much of it in green tech and industry, that is expected to lead to a factory construction boom.


The White House Council of Economic Advisers touted the investment in plants and equipment in a blog post on Thursday, noting its contribution to the beefy GDP number.

“Nonresidential private fixed investment accelerated, contributing 1 percentage point to [second quarter] growth. Private construction of manufacturing facilities alone, such as factories, contributed about 0.4 percentage point, this category’s largest growth contribution since 1981,” economists with the CEA wrote.

Some key factors do leave a number of economists wary of another ding on the economy later this year. Millions will see an end to the three-year pause in student loan payments later this year, which could put a crunch on consumer spending.

Interest rate hikes have also weighed heavily on the housing market for more than a year, driving high mortgage rates and dampening demand.


Demand is beginning to rise again, but so are prices with would-be sellers reluctant to give up their low mortgage rates and put their homes on the market.

Powell said on Wednesday that the housing market has “a ways to go” before it reaches a balance and prices cool.

The news of economic growth comes just weeks after the White House launched its “Bideonomics” messaging, which was met with speculation at the time about whether they were taking a victory lap too soon.

Throughout Biden’s presidency, Republicans have hammered him for high inflation, and they sought to use it against Democrats in the 2022 midterms. They are expected to focus on the economy, along with their investigations into the Biden family, again in 2024.


President Biden celebrated that the GDP number on Thursday, arguing that the economic progress “wasn’t inevitable or accidental,” but it was due to Bidenomics — a message voters can expect to keep hearing as Biden and officials traverse the country to tout their work on the economy.

“[H]ard-working Americans are seeing the results: Our unemployment rate remains near record lows, inflation has fallen by two thirds, real wages are higher than they were before the pandemic, and we’ve seen more than half a trillion dollars in private sector investment commitments in clean energy and manufacturing,” he said.

​Administration, Business, News, Bidenomics, GDP, inflation, Joe Biden, Mike Lawler, unemployment The U.S. economy is hitting a stride, growing at a 2.4-percent rate in the second quarter in a surprisingly strong showing that adds confidence to the idea that the nation may avoid a long-threatened recession. The growing economy comes coupled with other good economic news: Inflation is slowing, and unemployment sits at just 3.6 percent.
To stay informed with the latest information, reach out to Bolanle.

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10 Tips To Creating Quality YouTube Content on a Budget



Producing engaging YouTube videos doesn’t have to break the bank. With the right strategies and tools, you can create high-quality content that resonates with your audience without overspending.

Define Clear Objectives
Before you start filming, establish your goals. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or boost video views? Your objectives will guide your content strategy and help you measure success.

Batch Content Creation
Dedicate a day to shoot multiple videos, saving time and streamlining editing. This approach maintains a consistent posting schedule, crucial for audience engagement and algorithm favorability.

Create Compelling Content
Invest time in developing high-quality video concepts. According to Analytics Partners, video content has twice the lasting impact of non-video content. Focus on creating content that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand messaging.


Leverage Smartphone Technology
Modern smartphones offer excellent video quality. For example, the iPhone 12 Pro can shoot 4K video at 60 fps, rivaling many dedicated cameras. Pair your smartphone with a basic tripod and external microphone for professional-looking results.


Optimize Lighting
Good lighting is crucial for video quality. Natural light is free and effective. Position yourself near a window or invest in affordable lighting options like ring lights, which typically cost between $20-$100.

Post-Production and Optimization

Use Free Editing Software
Take advantage of free or low-cost editing tools. DaVinci Resolve, for instance, offers professional-grade editing capabilities at no cost for its basic version.

Optimize for SEO
YouTube’s algorithm considers factors like view count, engagement, watch time, and relevance when recommending videos[2]. Use keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags to improve discoverability. For example, including relevant keywords in your title can increase views by up to 20%.




Engagement Strategies

Prioritize Community Engagement
Respond to comments and interact with your audience. YouTube puts recent comments front-and-center in your analytics dashboard, encouraging timely responses. This engagement can lead to higher watch times and subscriber growth.


Experiment with YouTube Shorts
YouTube Shorts are amassing tens of billions of views daily. Creating Shorts content can increase your channel’s visibility and engagement without requiring significant production resources.

Budget-Friendly Marketing Tactics

Leverage Remarketing
Implement remarketing campaigns to re-engage viewers who have already interacted with your content. This targeted approach can be more cost-effective than broad audience targeting.

A/B Testing
Experiment with different video formats, thumbnails, and titles. YouTube’s own data shows that 90% of top-performing videos have custom thumbnails. A/B testing can help you identify what resonates best with your audience without additional production costs.

Engage with Your Audience
Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage viewers to engage with your content. This interaction helps understand what your audience enjoys and guides future content creation.

Real-Life Example

Consider the case of Peter McKinnon, a photographer and filmmaker who started his YouTube channel in 2010. Using primarily his smartphone and basic editing software, he grew his channel to over 5 million subscribers. His success came from consistently delivering valuable content, engaging with his audience, and gradually improving his production quality as his channel grew.

By implementing these strategies, you can create engaging YouTube content that resonates with your audience without overspending. Remember, the key is to focus on delivering value and consistently improving based on audience feedback and performance metrics.

Creating high-quality YouTube content on a budget requires resourcefulness and strategy. By planning effectively, utilizing available tools, and engaging with your audience, you can produce compelling videos that resonate with viewers without overspending. Focus on delivering value, and your channel will grow!

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The Republic of Liberia and Fulton County Georgia Officials Meet to Strengthen Ties



In a significant move to revitalize a nearly two-century-old connection, President of Liberia, Joseph Nyumah Boakai, and his cabinet members met with key Fulton County officials on Wednesday, August 21st. This historic meeting was made possible due to the efforts of Aaron Faulkner, film director, and Dr. Clarice Ford-Kulah, President of Providence Preservation Foundation Inc., who played a crucial role in facilitating the discussion. Dr. Ford-Kulah and her team were instrumental in bringing everyone together, and she will be orchestrating the return visit in December of the Fulton County delegation. The meeting, which took place in Atlanta, Georgia, focused on potential partnerships aimed at addressing Liberia’s current challenges and marked a significant step towards strengthening the historic ties between Liberia and Fulton County.

President Joseph Nyumah Boakai met privately with Fulton County officials to discuss strengthening historic ties and exploring new collaborations between Liberia and Fulton County, Georgia.

The relationship between Liberia and Fulton County dates back to the early 19th century when freed African Americans, many from Georgia, settled in Liberia. This connection has endured for nearly two centuries, creating a unique bond between the two regions.

High-profile figures, including the President of Liberia, members of his cabinet, Chief Probate Judge Kenya Johnson of Fulton County, and Fulton County Chairman Robb Pitts, attended the meeting. The discussions focused on exploring ways to strengthen economic ties, foster educational and cultural exchanges, and address healthcare challenges in Liberia.

President Joseph Nyumah Boakai met privately with Fulton County officials to discuss strengthening historic ties and exploring new collaborations between Liberia and Fulton County, Georgia.

Potential areas of collaboration include trade partnerships, investment opportunities in Liberian infrastructure, technology transfer programs, scholarship programs for Liberian students, cultural exhibitions, medical training programs, and telemedicine partnerships.

Chief Probate Judge Kenya Johnson provided insight into the historical ties between Fulton County and Liberia, referencing documents from the Fulton County Probate Court that shed light on the complex history of slavery and emancipation in the region.


Chairman Robb Pitts emphasized the potential for mutual benefit in this partnership, stating, “By leveraging our shared history and combining our resources, we can create meaningful change and opportunities for both Liberia and Fulton County.”

President Joseph Nyumah Boakai standing next to Her Royal Majesty Shanta Lana Hereford, Warrior Queen of The Cherut Nation.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to continue dialogue and develop concrete action plans for collaboration. Both parties expressed optimism about the potential for this partnership to address pressing issues in Liberia while strengthening the bonds between the two regions.

This historic meeting marks a significant step towards revitalizing the connection between Liberia and Fulton County, with the potential to create meaningful change and opportunities for both regions.

Learn More and Get Involved!
To discover how you can participate in this historic partnership and learn more about the efforts to revitalize the connection between Liberia and Fulton County, please visit:
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  • Contact us to learn more about how you can contribute to this historic partnership
  • Share your ideas and suggestions on how to strengthen the ties between Liberia and Fulton County
Together, we can create a brighter future for both regions!

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PAALA Awards: Celebrating African Leadership



In just 51 days, the city of Atlanta will play host to a prestigious event celebrating the achievements of outstanding leaders of African descent. The Pan African American Leadership Award (PAALA), an initiative of the African Women in Leadership Organisation (AWLO), will recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the growth and development of African American and African communities worldwide.
A Celebration of Pan Africanism
The PAALA award is rooted in the principles of Pan Africanism, which seeks to promote unity, solidarity, and cooperation among people of African descent. This year’s event aims to bring together global leaders to celebrate the progress made towards achieving shared values, sustained democracy, and global competitiveness on the African continent.
Honoring Exceptional Leaders
The PAALA award will honor exceptional leaders who have demonstrated dedication and commitment to the growth and empowerment of African American communities in the United States and the African continent. These individuals have made significant contributions to promoting black heritage and advancing the resolutions of Pan African congresses.
Join the Celebration
The event is scheduled to take place in Atlanta, and attendees can look forward to connecting with other global leaders and celebrating the achievements of the award recipients. Tickets are available for purchase at (link unavailable), with options for a Table of 10 ($1,250) and VIP Table ($1,500). Payments can also be made via Zelle to

Be a Part of History
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a historic event that celebrates the achievements of exceptional leaders and promotes the values of Pan Africanism. All roads lead to Atlanta, so mark your calendars and join the celebration!

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