Congratulations to Chad Tailor and co-directors Kearsten Johansson and Abdul Mohaimen for being finalists for Best Dark Comedy Film at the Houston Comedy Film Festival...
Jeremy Sumrall’s latest project, “Another Night at Beaver’s,” has been making waves in the film festival circuit. The screenplay was recently selected as an award...
We’re thrilled to introduce Youssef Mutawe, an emerging filmmaker who is making waves in the film industry! His latest project, “A Bit Much,” has earned him...
We’re thrilled to introduce Kevin Sengara and Aman Pannu, amazing screenwriters who are making waves in the industry! Their latest project, “Cinching Saddles,” has earned them...
We’re thrilled to introduce Ylia Trotter, an amazing screenwriter from New Zealand who is making waves in the industry! His latest project, “Hitch Hiking is Safe,”...