We’re thrilled to introduce Sammy Anzer, a talented screenwriter and comedian who’s making waves in the industry! His latest project, “Mutt,” has earned him a spot...
Miachel Pruett is making a name for herself in the film industry as a finalist for Best Romantic Comedy Short Screenplay at the Houston Comedy Film...
We’re thrilled to introduce Michael Deo and Mersiha Musovic, a seasoned filmmaking duo, in the film industry! Their latest project, “Roomhates” has earned them a spot...
We’re thrilled to introduce Chris Mastro, a seasoned filmmaker who is making waves in the industry! His latest project, “That’s Messed Up!” has earned him a...
Congratulations to Chad Tailor and co-directors Kearsten Johansson and Abdul Mohaimen for being finalists for Best Dark Comedy Film at the Houston Comedy Film Festival...