In “Changing Spots,” Lauren L. Owen masterfully weaves a heartwarming tale centered around Lizzie Jennings, a black anthropology student in her mid-30s, and her aging father,...
Phil Grishayev, a talented filmmaker based in Los Angeles, is making waves in the comedy film scene with his uproarious short film, “A Messy Divorce.”...
“Peeping Todd” director Josh Munds secures a finalist spot at the Houston Comedy Film Festival, highlighting his dark comedy gem. Munds’ film, a surprise musical comedy...
In a candid conversation, filmmaker Jim Dziobek provides insights into his creative journey and the inspiration behind his latest project. Based in Chicago, Jim shares his...
Charles Featherston Triumphs at Houston Comedy Film Festival with “The Central Standard” Amidst an atmosphere brimming with laughter and jubilation, director Charles Featherston clinched the prestigious...