
Ryan Edwards: YES, I’m Back on Drugs! But I Did NOT Pull a Knife on Mackenzie … on August 3, 2023 at 1:56 pm The Hollywood Gossip



These days, Ryan Edwards is living in an inpatient rehab facility, having been temporarily released from jail to undergo addiction treatment.

We wish him all the best in his efforts to get clean, but the reality of the situation is that he probably has more jail time coming to him, even if he finally manages to sober up.

That’s because Ryan stalked and harassed Mackenzie Standifer and went on a drug-fueled bender prior to his latest arrest.


And because Edwards was already on probation when all of this happened, completing the program probably won’t be enough to make him a free man.

This is another Ryan Edwards mug shot. We’ve lost track how many it’s been now for him. (Photo Credit: Hamilton County Sheriff)

But none of that had transpired when Ryan filmed a scene with Maci Bookout for this week’s episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.

In fact, it looked as though Bentley’s mom and dad were on the verge of repairing their co-parenting relationship.


Of course, every other part of Ryan’s life was in shambles, a fact he admitted to during the conversation.

Ryan Edwards is BACK on Teen Mom: The Next Chapter! But that’s not necessarily a good thing. (Photo Credit: MTV)

“Mackenzie is being an absolute pain in my ass. She don’t know why she left, it’s been everything under the sun. It’s because of my addiction, because I was outside in my garage,” he told Maci.

She responded by advising him to “keep focusing on you and all these crazy children and stay away from her.”


“It’s not shocking to me. I know when we filmed the reunion and had that conversation about starting fresh with coparenting, she’s not gonna let this happen, she’s not,” Maci later told her husband, Taylor McKinney.

Maci Bookout offered some kind words to her ex in this scene from Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. (Photo Credit: MTV)

“And then she lost her mind anytime him and Bentley were gonna go do something because she couldn’t go, because it was supposed to be the two of them.”‘

Yes, it’s a little surprising to hear Maci take Ryan’s side against Mackenzie, but it’s important to remember that at that time, she was only hearing his side of the story.


“I do think this has everything to do with Ryan and Bentley’s relationship growing, me and Ryan trying to work together. I don’t think she can handle it,” Bookout continued.

Maci opens up about her feelings toward Ryan Edwards. (Photo Credit: MTV)

“Bentley is the one that pays for all of this, so we have to stay on the same team. I hope this divorce doesn’t get messy.”

Maci added that Bentley was “kind of shocked” to learn about his dad’s divorce, he didn’t seem “bothered by it or upset.”


“He’s never really been a big fan of Mackenzie’s,” she explained.

But despite Maci’s hope that the Ryan’s split wouldn’t “get messy,” it quickly did exactly that.

Ryan has publicly and repeatedly accused his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, of being unfaithful. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Later in the episode, a Teen Mom producer named Kiki paid a visit to Ryan in order to ask about some shocking allegations made by Mackenzie.


“She said I f—ing held a knife to her back or something like that … f— no, that’s so dumb,” he said, denying that he held her at knifepoint.

“Everyone knows when I get angry, I get f—ing angry. So she’s gonna use that against me. But I ain’t never put my hands on a woman ever before.”

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer are headed for divorce court. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Ryan has publicly accused Mackenzie of cheating on him on numerous occasions, and it seems he was fixating on the idea at the time of the previous night’s argument.


“I was like, she left this house last night and there was only one reason why she left this house,” he told Kiki.

“She can’t lie very well, she’ll stumble over every word she says and I was like, ‘Where the f— did you stay last night?’ and she couldn’t come up with a good answer. So I started putting two and two together.”

He went on to suggest that Mackenzie was jealous of his friendship with Maci.

Ryan has consumed many beverages on camera during his years as an MTV star. (Photo Credit: MTV)


“I think that’s what kind of pissed Mackenzie off too, like really. I don’t think she ever wanted us to have a relationship,” he said, adding that Bentley “didn’t like [Mackenzie] anyways.”

Kiki then asked whether he felt his wife was “threatened” by his coparenting relationship, to which he replied:

“Yeah, I think that really f—ing sent her over the edge.”

Eventually, of course, the truth of the confrontation came out:


Ryan Edwards is in trouble with the law once again. (Photo Credit: Hamilton County Sheriff)

“You’re an addict, you are getting a divorce, can’t go back to your house, kids no longer live with you. That is a slippery slope,” Kiki said, prompting Ryan to blurt out, “I done f—ed up, I ain’t gonna lie.”

The producer then asked Ryan if he had relapsed amid all of the latest drama, to which he replied, “Yeah.”

So yeah, given that Ryan was on drugs at the time of the incident, and he later came back and trashed the house, we’re gonna go ahead and believe Mackenzie’s version of events.


Edwards is due back in court on August 12, at which time a judge will assess his progress and determine his fate.

Ryan Edwards: YES, I’m Back on Drugs! But I Did NOT Pull a Knife on Mackenzie … was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.

These days, Ryan Edwards is living in an inpatient rehab facility, having been temporarily released from jail to undergo addiction …
Ryan Edwards: YES, I’m Back on Drugs! But I Did NOT Pull a Knife on Mackenzie … was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip. 

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