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Sports After Work Increases Your Rate Of Entrepreneurial Success — Are You Ready to Get Active? on November 15, 2023 at 6:30 pm Entrepreneur: Latest Articles



A recent study found that firms run by former-athlete CEOs are more profitable, citing their characteristics of motivation and long-term goal orientation as notable factors.

​Success Strategies A recent study found that firms run by former-athlete CEOs are more profitable, citing their characteristics of motivation and long-term goal orientation as notable factors.  

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How to Recognize Great Business Partners



Building strong, trustworthy business partnerships is crucial for success. When you recognize and work with people of high integrity, it can lead to tremendous benefits. However, when things go wrong in a partnership, it can be detrimental.

Integrity and trust are foundational qualities in any successful business partnership. Partners who demonstrate integrity are reliable, honest, and principled in their actions. They follow through on their commitments and put the interests of the partnership ahead of their own. Trust is the glue that holds the partnership together – when partners trust each other, they can collaborate effectively, share information openly, and make decisions with confidence.

Partnerships built on integrity and trust tend to be more productive, innovative, and resilient. Partners are more willing to take risks, share resources, and go the extra mile for each other. This creates an environment where the business can thrive. Conversely, a lack of integrity and trust can lead to miscommunication, conflict, and ultimately the breakdown of the partnership.

Recognizing Great Partners


When looking to build or strengthen business partnerships, it’s important to carefully evaluate potential partners’ integrity and trustworthiness. Some key things to look for:

– Track record of delivering on commitments and promises
– Transparent communication and willingness to share information
– Alignment on core values, goals, and ethical principles
– Ability to admit mistakes and take accountability
– Reputation for fairness and reliability among others in the industry

Once you’ve identified partners with strong integrity, it’s important to recognize and appreciate them. This can be done through:

– Verbal praise and public recognition of their contributions
– Inviting them to participate in strategic planning and decision-making
– Providing them with new opportunities to grow the partnership
– Offering them favorable terms or priority treatment
– Referring them to your network of other trusted partners



Even the strongest partnerships can face challenges at times. When things go wrong, it’s critical to address the issues head-on with open communication and a problem-solving mindset. Partners should:

– Quickly acknowledge the problem and its impact
– Seek to understand each other’s perspectives
– Focus on finding mutually beneficial solutions
– Demonstrate a willingness to compromise and make concessions
– Reaffirm their commitment to the partnership and shared goals

By navigating challenges with integrity and good faith, partners can often emerge from difficult situations with an even stronger bond of trust and respect.


In conclusion, recognizing and working with business partners of the highest integrity is essential for building lasting, successful partnerships. When you invest in these relationships, you create an environment of trust, collaboration, and mutual growth that can propel your business forward.


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Roselyn Omaka Leads Sinc Healthcare’s Nationwide Expansion in Remote Patient Monitoring



Sinc Healthcare, a leader in the realm of remote patient monitoring and a sister company to UPL Care, is proud to announce Roselyn Omaka’s addition to their executive team. This significant move marks the expansion of Sinc Healthcare’s innovative Medicare-compliant services across all 50 states in the United States, underlining the company’s commitment to nationwide healthcare improvement.

With Omaka’s expertise, Sinc Healthcare is poised to extend its reach, offering cutting-edge remote patient monitoring services to healthcare providers and patients across the entire country. This expansion ensures that

no matter where patients are located, they have access to top-tier healthcare monitoring and support.


Omaka brings a unique blend of biochemistry knowledge and business acumen to Sinc Healthcare. Her leadership is expected to drive the company’s commitment to legal compliance, maximize reimbursements for providers, and reduce hospital readmissions, crucial in today’s healthcare landscape.

Sinc Healthcare, under Omaka’s direction, embraces the technological advancements of AI and remote patient monitoring. This approach is set to revolutionize patient care, especially for those unable to make frequent in-person visits to healthcare facilities.

The expansion of Sinc Healthcare’s services nationwide means more healthcare providers can:

  • Offer enhanced patient care through remote monitoring.
  • Maintain operational efficiency and compliance.
  • Utilize data-driven insights for better patient outcomes.

Sinc Healthcare has been at the forefront of remote patient monitoring since 2014, with a zero lawsuit record, emphasizing its dedication to compliance and quality care. Its services are now available across all 50 states, making it a leading figure in nationwide healthcare innovation.

For additional information on Roselyn Omaka’s role and Sinc Healthcare’s expanded services, fill out this form.


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Comedy Filmmaking 101: How to Master Verbal Timing



In the realm of filmmaking, every element contributes to the tapestry of your story, and among these, verbal timing stands as a powerful thread that can weave unforgettable moments into your narrative. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the significance of the pause in filmmaking. Specifically, we explore how mastering the art of the pause can elicit audience reactions, enhance engagement, and immerse viewers in your storytelling.

Setting the Stage for Verbal Timing Before we dive into the nuances of the pause, it’s essential to lay a solid foundation by considering how it fits into the broader context of your film. Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Develop Vibrant Characters: Craft characters with distinct personalities, quirks, and dynamics to create meaningful interactions.
  2. Craft a Compelling Script: Your script should encompass moments of humor, drama, tension, and surprise, setting the stage for varied emotional experiences.
  3. Establish Pacing Rhythms: Align your pacing with the genre and overall tone of your film, ensuring a seamless flow that captivates your audience.

The Pause as a Narrative Device A well-executed pause serves as a narrative device that can be employed in various scenarios to heighten your storytelling:

  1. Comic Timing: In humorous scenes, a well-placed pause following a setup line amplifies the impact of the ensuing laughter.
  2. Dramatic Effect: During emotionally charged moments, pauses heighten tension and enable the audience to absorb the gravity of the situation.
  3. Suspense Building: In suspenseful or thriller genres, strategic pauses keep viewers on the edge of their seats, building anticipation.

The Emotional Pause To evoke specific emotional responses from your audience, consider these tips:

  1. Timing Variations: Experiment with pause lengths. A longer pause encourages deeper contemplation, while a shorter one maintains pacing.
  2. Character Reaction Shots: Capture character reactions after a significant line, showcasing the impact of the dialogue on the story’s emotional landscape.
  3. Dialogue Placement: Position critical lines just before a pause, allowing the audience to digest and react to pivotal information.

Timing for Humor In the world of comedy, timing reigns supreme. Maximize comedic impact with these insights:

  1. The Punchline Pause: Pause after delivering a setup to let the audience anticipate and relish the punchline.
  2. Timing Delivery: Practice diverse comedic delivery styles, rhythms, and pauses to identify what suits your script and characters best.
  3. Physical Comedy Integration: Don’t overlook the synergy between verbal timing and physical comedy, as they can enhance each other’s humorous effect.

The Unexpected Pause Surprise your audience with an unexpected pause to create memorable cinematic moments:

  1. Subverting Expectations: Deviate from anticipated pacing to catch viewers off guard, generating intrigue and excitement.
  2. Plot Twists: Before revealing a plot twist or shocking revelation, pause to amplify its impact, leaving a lasting impression.

The Power of Editing Verbal timing isn’t solely reliant on actors’ delivery during filming; the editing process plays a pivotal role:

  1. Adjusting Pace: Fine-tune dialogue timing in the editing room by trimming or extending pauses to achieve the desired effect.
  2. Sound Design: Collaborate with your sound team to enhance pauses with ambient sounds, music, or silence, further immersing the audience.
  3. Testing and Feedback: Seek feedback from test audiences to gauge the effectiveness of your verbal timing choices. Analyze moments where the pause successfully elicited the desired reaction and where refinements may be necessary.

Mastering verbal timing in filmmaking demands practice, creativity, and a profound understanding of storytelling. By weaving the power of the pause into your narrative, you can engage your audience emotionally, craft unforgettable comedic moments, and intensify the impact of dramatic sequences. Remember, the pause isn’t just about silence—it’s a dynamic tool that enriches your storytelling and invites the audience deeper into your cinematic world. Embrace this art, and witness your filmmaking skills flourish, leaving audiences eagerly awaiting your next project.

Check out “10 Reasons Why Promoting Your Films Through Video Marketing Is Invaluable for Attracting Investors.”


For tickets to the February 10th, 2024 Houston Comedy Film Festival and film submissions, visit our website.

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